Currently interviewing couples for remaining dates in 2023 in and around Asheville, NC. I take no more than 10 wedding commissions per year so contact me soon!X

Black Friday 2009

Over Thanksgiving Keith and I got word of a midnight sales event at the Philadelphia outlets (not far from where we were staying with his parents in PA)… I thought it would be a neat thing to try and do some night photography and capture the very serious shopping going on — it was, after all, a Black Friday sale.  So we drove out there at about 11:30pm and walked around.  It was odd– the crowds were big, the sales were (some of them) pretty good, and it all seemed disappointingly  very normal.  We stayed until 3:30 am and it felt like 6pm somehow.  It was difficult to get the sort of shots I had hoped for –  honestly i was hoping to capture people elbowing eachother in vicious competition for on-sale items)– but I did get some images I like. Everyone was very nice and patient.  The only thing out of the ordinary was the time of day and the fact that there were long lines to get into some of the more popular outlets.

Note below the smoky stuff (what is that stuff? vapor?) which is coming from a nearby nuclear power plant.


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